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Jostens Information:

Our Rep - Brian Colwill

(214) 321-4100

Jostens Student Center Address

4930 Olson Dr. #300, Dallas, TX 75227

Jostens logo

Jostens is the official provider for:

  • Graduation Cap & Gown package (required purchase for the graduation ceremony to include cap, gown, stole, and tassel)

  • Graduation Announcements (optional purchase)

  • Class Rings (optional purchase)

Orders should be submitted directly to Jostens, no later than Spring Break in order to guarantee delivery before Graduation.  

Additional, generic, senior gear is available for order, but are optional and separate from the Project Graduation package. 

Orders can be submitted using one of the following methods:

  • Return order and payment to Jostens on during lunch at NFHS (Sept. 17th, 18th, 24th, or 25th)

  • Scan order form and email to our Jostens rep

  • Order online on the Jostens website

  • Mail or drop off your order form to the Jostens Student Center in Dallas. 

Graduation announcements and class rings can also be ordered through Jostens. Please visit their website to order. You can also pick up a Jostens Sr. Packet from the front office or from Mrs. Sullivan in suite 349.